The policies/procedures listed below are the current Trust approved generic versions.    For the individual school versions please visit the relevant school website.  To view a policy/procedure simply click on the link below:


(The policies will be updated with documents once they are approved)

Admissions Policy

Please click the below link for Stoke-on-Trent Admissions arrangements:-

Attendance Policy

Accessibility Policy

Accounting and Finance policy 2023/24

Anti-Bullying Policy and Effective Strategy

Assessment and Record Keeping Policy

Asthma Policy

Best Value

Career Progression Policy

CCTV Policy

Charging and Remission Policy

Code of Conduct for Trustees and LCGB

Code of Conduct Staff

Complaints Procedure Alexandra Infants

Complaints Procedure Alexandra Junior

Complaints Procedure Jackfield Infant

Complaints Procedure Moorpark Junior

Complaints Procedure Flow Chart

GDPR Data Protection Policy

Governor and Trustee Privacy Notice

Debt Minimisation Policy 2023/24

EYFS Policy


Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy

Fixed Asset policy 2023/24

First Aid Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Gift and Hospitality

Governance Handbook

Governor Expense Payment Scheme

Health and Safety

Home School Agreement

Supplementary COVID Health and Saftey Policy

LGPS Policies

Looked After Child Policy (LAC)

Lone Working Policy

Missing Child Policy

ECT Policy

Online Safety

Whole School Pay Policy 2022/23

Child on Child Abuse Policy

Planning and Preparation Policy

Positive Behaviour and Rewards Policy

Preventing extremism and radicalism

Privacy Notice

Promoting British Values Policy

Pupil Premium

Record Management Policy

Recruitment and Selection policy

Remote Learning Policy

RSE Policy

SEND and Inclusion Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safety Intervention Policy

School Closures

School Fund

Staff Consent Form

Photographic Image Consent Form

Subject Access Request

Supporting Pupils with Medical conditions

Supporting Pupil Attendance Absence 

Teacher appraisal

Terms of Reference

Third Party request for Information

Uniform Policy

Whistleblowing (LA Adopted HR policy)