
Mrs Sue Kuzubasoglu

Mrs Sue Kuzubasoglu


Sue is a Freelance consultant providing training in Functional Skills to young people, through Apprenticeship Training Providers, delivering Barclays LifeSkills (People, Money and Work Skills) through Barclays’ charity partner and providing CEIAG to young people aged 14-19 at a University Technical College.  Sue has over 25 years’ experience in the education sector as a former lecturer in ICT, at Stoke-on-Trent College, and as a project manager for Education and IT projects across Staffordshire Colleges.  Sue is also a former Director of the Haywood City Learning Centre where she helped schools develop the use of ICT and innovative digital technologies in teaching and learning. Alongside education, Sue brings a wealth of Human Resource Management and great expertise of online technology to the trust.

Mrs Sheela Dutton

Mrs Sheela Dutton


 Sheela was a litigation and licensing solicitor for a local authority for 22 years before retiring 3 years ago. Before qualifying as a solicitor, Sheela worked in ceramic and then forensic science laboratories. She is now working as a Clerk to Governors for Stoke City Council. Sheela became Chair of Governors at Moorpark in November 2016 after being a parent governor there for 3 years. She brings legal, industry and governance skills to the board

Mr Julian Grindey

Mr Julian Grindey


Julian is father to Erin who is 11 and married to Helen. I grew up in Cheshire in an environment where it was unexpected to go on to Further Education. My Dad worked as a Joiner and my mum, a nurse but with the help of some great teachers and very supportive  parents I have achieved an honours  degree and a Masters in Business Administration.  I pursued a career in Retail.

In business I have worked for several household names including; Aldi, Shop Direct and Matalan. I started on graduate training scheme and worked in operational and commercial roles. I have been an Executive Board Director for over 15 years, leading large teams in UK and overseas. I have lived and worked in; the middle East, Hong Kong and Australia. I continue top work hard at improving  my working style which has been characterised as Engaging, inspiring, collaborating, Empowering and mentoring. Away from work I play golf, I cycle and run.

Being involved in the Trust gives me the opportunity to ” put a little bit back”, and I hope I can help to make a difference.


 Mrs Karen Peters

Mrs Karen Peters


Karen has been the CEO of The New Guild Trust since it formed in 2018 and a headteacher for 11 years, reported by Ofsted as being an outstanding leader (June 2016) in a school that is a special place to be (October 2022). She entered the teaching profession in 2001, awarded Science teacher of the year, 2004. She worked as an Advanced Skills Teacher from 2005 working with a range of professionals in school improvement across Stoke, Staffordshire and Cheshire until entering leadership in 2008 as a deputy head in a large primary school. Karen is a lifetime fellow of the Primary Science Teaching Trust , an Ogden Trust Partnership lead since 2018 and a chartered teacher of science with the ASE since 2020. Prior to teaching, Karen worked within a support role in a specialist provision for autistic children

Mrs Louise Eagle

Mrs Louise Eagle

Trustee (Chair)

Louise Eagle is the former Head of Volunteer Resources at Douglas Macmillan Hospice. She is currently on a 5-month secondment to support the smooth transition to create a Strategic Alliance with Approach Staffordshire, a charity support people living with dementia and their carers in Staffordshire. Previously Louise has been a Fundraiser for a National Children’s Charity and Volunteer Development Manager within a Children’s Hospice. Louise is also an Enterprise Advisor for Kemball School.

Mrs Helen Frost

Mrs Helen Frost

Trustee (Vice Chair)

Helen is the Senior Programme Manager for the Artsmark Award in the West Midlands. The Award helps schools to deliver high-quality art and cultural education in their setting. She has Post Graduate Qualifications in both Museum Studies and Fine Arts and currently sits on the West Midlands Museums and Schools Board. Originally from Stoke-on-Trent, Helen worked with children in a specialist provision for 8 years in both India and New Zealand before moving back to the area in 2012. She is involved in the Stoke-on-Trent bid for the city of culture 2021, specifically supporting the strategy for children and young people. Helen is also trained to deliver Arts Awards, which inspires young people to grow their arts and leadership talents.

Helen brings a wealth of cultural and diverse experiences and skills to the board with an excellent knowledge of education on an international level.

Mrs Sally Brough

Mrs Sally Brough

Trustee (Chair of Resources and Audit)

Sally was an accountant prior to working as a senior school business manager within a primary school. She has since been in post as the chief finance officer for a MAT of seven schools established for last three years. Sally brings a secure knowledge of school business management and finance within a MAT.

Mrs Andrea Findler

Mrs Andrea Findler


Andrea worked for Moorpark Junior School from 2004 for almost 20 years before taking early retirement in 2023.  She
held the position of parent governor both at Jackfields Infant School and Moorpark Junior for almost 24 years and went onto Staff Governor when her children moved onto High School
Andrea started working at Moorpark as Administrative Assistant and then went onto become School Secretary.  After eight years in the office a position became available for a full time Family Support Worker and was successful in getting the job.
This involved working with all of the children and families in our school:
Facilitating parenting courses and emotional well-being courses
Working to Safeguard children
Mentoring children
Supporting and working with organisations who could help with children’s emotional mental health needs
Working to improve children’s attendance
Prior to working in school she worked as a Production Manger for 12 years in the pottery industry
Andrea hopes that being part of The New Guild Trust enables me to continue to give my time and support for all four schools in the Trust

Miss Michelle Garside

Miss Michelle Garside


Michelle has worked for the Stoke On Trent Local Authority since 2001, performing various roles encompassing management and leadership, learning and development and HR duties to maximise the effectiveness of teams and improve strategies to create smarter customer experiences and working practices. She is a qualified Health and Safety professional with credibility and international recognition as a member of the Chartered body IOSH.

Michelle understands the application of health and safety in Education having worked with many schools and MATS, providing professional and practical assistance across a broad range of strategic and operational health and safety support services. She provides specialist legal advice and guidance on workplace health and safety compliance and management.

Having previously worked in the Banking industry, Michelle brings a wealth of diverse skills and experience to the Trust with her knowledge of business, finance and health, safety and welfare in an educational setting

Mr Richard Sidley



Richard Sidley taught at Longton High School  for 31 years, retiring as senior Deputy Head in 2005. He was a school governor at Alexandra Infants and Alexandra Junior School from 1986-2017. An active trade unionist, he was the NASUWT City Secretary from 2005 and National Executive Member for Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire. He was a city councillor from 1988-1996 representing the Longton South ward. Richard was Chair/Vice Chair of Citizens Advice for almost 20 years and  a member of the Socialist Educational Association National Executive from 1992-2020.